
Water held on earth is ocean. Water Pouring from the sky is rain.
Water flowing on earth is river.
....in all its changing forms the essence is always water !

"I am here to fullfill my unfullfilled karmas,
rest is only an illusion!"
"The Tantric in me ...an offering to my
Tantric Master Guru Shri Vaman Pai Maharaj

"At the age of 3, I knew I was born Siddharth; it took me
30 years to realise the Buddha in me!"
The Monk in me ...an offering to my Buddhist Master,
Guru His Holiness Dalai Lama

"Stranger that I am on this planet Earth searching and
praying for someone who could endure my intense love!"
The Sufi in me. ...an offering to my Sufi Master, Guru
Moulana Imitiaz Hussain Ashrafi


"I ride on the wings of fire, for I don't live here any more!
I am but Light!"
The Havisht in me. ...an offering to my Zoroastrian Master,
Guru Ervad Dr. Ramiyar P. Karanja

"Now where is the journey, only the destination.
I have arrived..... arrived at my satvic guna!"
The Muni in me ...an offering to my Jain Master,
Guru Jay Sunder Vijayaji Maharaj


"Come out of your circle of time. Into my circle of love!"
The Mystic in me ...an offering to my Zen Master,
Guru Acharya Bhagwan Rajneesh - OSHO

"My Lord is my only Lover"
The Priest in me ....an offering to my Christian Master
Guru, Dean Dr John Hall of Westminster Abbey
